Order Settings page

Let's learn about all the settings on this page:

  1. Order & Inventory Sync Setting:

  • Enable Both Order and Inventory Sync:
    • The Etsy orders will be synchronized based on the matching SKUs to Shopify, and the inventory will be adjusted accordingly.
    • If the inventory is updated manually or through orders in Shopify, it will automatically update the Etsy inventory based on the matching SKUs.
    • Please Note: manual inventory updates in Etsy will not automatically reflect in the inventory in Shopify.
  • Enable Inventory Sync only:
    • Your Etsy order will not be synced to Shopify.
    • If the inventory is updated manually or through orders in Shopify, it will automatically update the Etsy inventory based on the matching SKUs.
    • If the inventory is updated in Etsy via orders, it will update the inventory in Shopify as well.
    • Please Note: manual inventory updates in Etsy will not automatically reflect in the inventory in Shopify.
  • No Order Sync and No Inventory Sync:
    • Both your orders and inventory will not be synced between Shopify and Etsy.
    • If you wish to simply upload or import your products between two platforms, you can select this option.

  1. Fulfillment Settings:

  • Shopify Partial Fulfillment completes the order on Etsy
    • Please enable this setting if you want to mark it as complete even though you have partially fulfilled the order on Shopify.
    • Unlike Etsy, you must fulfill all the items in the order to be marked as completed. This feature will be helpful if you want the Etsy order status to show as completed even though you have not fulfilled all the items or have only partially fulfilled them.
    • This is an optional setting and can be used as per your requirements.

  1. Sync Tax/VAT from Etsy Order to Shopify:

Learn more from here to know more about this settings.

  1. Order sync setting

Learn more from here to know more about these settings.

  1. Order Fail Notification:

As the title says, you can enable this functionality to receive email notifications regarding any Etsy orders that fail to synchronize with Shopify for fulfillment. We strongly advise activating this feature, as it will assist you in staying informed and up-to-date on the status of your order synchronization.

When updating or enabling any settings, please remember to click on the Save Changes button to ensure that the modifications you have made are applied.

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