How to upload Facebook feed to a catalog on Facbook business manager?

A data feed lets users bulk upload items to their catalog using a spreadsheet file. Users can upload a file once or set up a schedule to update their catalog automatically on a regular basis. Their catalog can hold multiple data feeds, but each data feed must contain different items.

Let's learn how to upload the data feed you created to Facebook.

  1. First of all, create the Facebook data feed easily with ExportFeed. You can learn more by going through this link.
  2. After you've successfully created the feed, please copy the feed URL.

Now, let's go to the Facebook business manager.

  1. Go to Commerce Manager and select your catalog.
  2. Open the Catalog tab and go to Data Sources
  3. Select Add Items. If a dropdown appears, select Add Multiple Items.
  4. Select Data Feed followed by Next.
  5. Under Is your spreadsheet or file ready?, select Yes and then Next.
  6. Choose how to upload your file.(Use a URL: paste the URL that you copied)

Your products will then be on Facebook.

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