How to create the ShareASale data feed?
Shareasale is a marketplace where affiliates and merchants come together to grow their businesses. It is one of the oldest affiliate networks and has thousands of different products for affiliates to choose from.
Let's learn how to create a ShareASale Datafeed using our app(ShareASale Product Datafeed).
- After you install the app in Shopify, it'll sync the product data and when it's completed, you'll see the screen below
- After that, click on Get started button
- Then you need to enter your ShareASale merchant ID. You can learn about merchant ID from here.
- After entering the merchant ID, click Select Collections and it will let you select the Shopify collections of which you want to create the data feed and then click match collection.
- After that, it will let you match those collections to the respective ShareASale category(Choose the required category and sub-category) and confirm matches.
- Click on Feed generation.
- You have now successfully created the data feed.
- You can download the CSV file and upload it manually or you can use our FTP upload service. To learn more about it, go through this documentation.