Title with repeated special characters
How do we resolve the error of repeated special characters in the title?
Learn how to solve one of those title errors that might occur while uploading products to Etsy because of Etsy title regulations.
Upload Error: Your product has repeated special characters like (:, %, &)
Video Tutorial:
It should not be repeated more than once if you have a special character: % and &. (If % is already in the title, try to avoid using it again)
Please try to avoid and fix this error by:
1. Go to your Shopify Store.
2. Click on the product with the error.
3. Change the tile and try to avoid those characters.
4. After updating your title, please save it.
Once you update the title on Shopify, it'll be synced into our app, and the product can be uploaded to Etsy successfully.
Please note the following points:
- Suppose some of the products were submitted already from that feed. In that case, you won't need to resubmit, which means the failed products will also upload automatically.
- If no products were uploaded earlier from that feed, you'd need to resubmit the feed once.